Coffee Brewing Recipes
Here's where we start with every bean, regardless of origin and then we dial it in one variable at a time to get it just right.
Pour Over
- Grind Size: Medium-fine (similar to table salt)
- Brewing Temperature: 200°F (93°C)
- Measure: 20 grams of whole bean coffee.
- Grind: Grind the coffee to a medium-fine consistency.
- Rinse Filter: Place a paper filter in your dripper and rinse it with hot water to remove any paper taste and preheat the dripper (pour out used water before brewing).
- Add Coffee: Place the ground coffee into the dripper.
- Bloom: Pour 40 grams of hot water over the grounds and let it bloom for 30-45 seconds.
- Brew: Slowly pour the remaining 300 grams of water in a circular motion, ensuring all grounds are evenly saturated.
- Serve: Once brewing is complete (usually around 3-4 minutes), remove the dripper and enjoy your coffee.
Coffee Maker
- Grind Size: Medium (like sand)
- Brewing Temperature: 200°F (93°C) (if adjustable)
- Measure: Use 10 grams of coffee per 6 ounces of water.
- Grind: Grind the coffee to a medium consistency.
- Add Water: Fill the coffee maker’s reservoir with the desired amount of water.
- Add Coffee: Place a filter in the basket and add the ground coffee.
- Brew: Start the coffee maker.
- Serve: Once brewing is complete, pour and enjoy.
- Grind Size: Fine (slightly finer than table salt)
- Brewing Temperature: 200°F (93°C)
- Measure: 17 grams of whole bean coffee.
- Grind: Grind the coffee to a fine consistency.
- Prepare AeroPress: Place a paper filter in the cap, rinse it with hot water, and attach it to the AeroPress. Position the AeroPress over your mug.
- Add Coffee: Add the ground coffee to the AeroPress.
- Add Water: Pour 240 grams of hot water over the coffee.
- Stir: Stir for about 10 seconds.
- Plunge: Insert the plunger and gently press down until you hear a hissing sound (usually about 20-30 seconds).
- Serve: Remove the AeroPress and enjoy.
- Grind Size: Medium-coarse (similar to sea salt)
- Brewing Temperature: 200°F (93°C)
- Measure: 42 grams of whole bean coffee.
- Grind: Grind the coffee to a medium-coarse consistency.
- Rinse Filter: Place a Chemex filter in the brewer and rinse with hot water to remove any paper taste and preheat the Chemex.
- Add Coffee: Place the ground coffee in the filter.
- Bloom: Pour 80 grams of hot water over the grounds and let it bloom for 30-45 seconds.
- Brew: Slowly pour the remaining 600 grams of water in a circular motion, ensuring all grounds are evenly saturated.
- Serve: Once brewing is complete (usually around 4-5 minutes), remove the filter and enjoy your coffee.
- Grind Size: Very fine (similar to powdered sugar)
- Brewing Temperature: 200°F (93°C)
- Measure: 18-20 grams of whole bean coffee.
- Grind: Grind the coffee to a very fine consistency.
- Prepare Portafilter: Fill and level the portafilter basket with ground coffee, then tamp it down firmly.
- Brew: Lock the portafilter into the espresso machine and start the shot. Aim for a 25-30 second extraction for about 1.5-2 ounces of espresso.
- Serve: Enjoy your espresso as is or use it as a base for other coffee drinks.
Cold Brew
- Grind Size: Coarse (similar to breadcrumbs)
- Brewing Temperature: Cold water (room temperature)
- Measure: 100 grams of whole bean coffee.
- Grind: Grind the coffee to a coarse consistency.
- Combine: In a large jar or cold brew maker, combine the ground coffee with 1 liter of cold water.
- Steep: Stir to ensure all grounds are saturated, then cover and let steep in the refrigerator for 12-24 hours.
- Filter: After steeping, strain the mixture through a coffee filter or fine-mesh sieve to remove the grounds.
- Serve: Dilute the cold brew concentrate with water or milk to taste, and serve over ice.